A little quote

"Working hard is important. But there is something that matters even more: believing in yourself." - Harry Potter

Monday, 24 November 2014

Are You, Are You, Coming to the Tree? | MOCKINGJAY PART 1

Have you seen it? Have ya? If you haven't then WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE? 

I won't give any spoilers in this post because that just spoils it for those of you who haven't watched it yet. BUT IT'S SO GOOD ISN'T IT?!

I actually cannot believe how good it turned out. It's such a climactic film that's just fabulous. Hanging Tree is also the work of a genius so well done to the Lumineers who put it to the fabulous tune. I just need to see it again or I might die.

The part they finished it at is just incredible and leaves the film on such a cliffhanger, oog it's so good!! That end scene though, I just can't even. 

I literally cannot even handle this. 

Emma (heartingTHG)

Monday, 17 November 2014


As I'm sure you know, it's almost time for Mockingjay Part One. WHICH IS SO EXCITING. I hope we can share the excitement and I'm sure I will see plenty of tributes on twitter fangirling over what is happening, which is just so super exciting. Just to think, after next year, it'll be all over. No more stills, or trailers. That's it. Done. Unless, of course, Suzanne Collins releases another book. Anyway, I can't believe that it's almost finished. What are we going to do with our lives? My twitter is called heartingTHG for a reason, y'know? 

I hope to God that Mockingjay lives up to our expectations. And I wonder where they will decide is 'part one' and 'part two'. Hmm. Sorry, I'm blabbering now. Anyway, I'm going to be seeing it on Sunday with my good friend Sarah, A.K.A trisgirlonfire and we are both SO EXCITED so expect next week's post to be about Mockingjay.

I can't even.

Emma (heartingTHG)

Tuesday, 11 November 2014



Thank you so much guys, you've managed to get me to 1000 pageviews and that is just incredible. I don't even know what to say, I'm just absolutely gobsmacked. Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU'RE ALL AMAZING AND I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU.


Emma (heartingTHG)

We Will Remember Them

November 11th is a day widely remembered by the vast majority of the world. It is a day that we remember the fallen soldiers of not just the First World War, but we remember the fallen of all wars. The picture above is from a ceremony I attended with my school in my hometown where we each lay a poppy cross with a soldier's name that is from our area who died in the First World War. If you read my other blog you will have also known that in September I went to Belgium with my school's history department to see the World War One battlefields, an experience that truly broke my heart. I will insert a few pictures from my trip below and if you want to find out anything about it like all the places we went or anything then just let me know.
So I hope today that you had your two minutes silence to think about someone, a complete stranger even, who gave up their today to give you a better tomorrow.

 Pool of Peace

Sanctuary Wood Museum and Trenches

Tyne Cot Cemetary

The Menin Gate

When you go home tell them of us and say 'for your tomorrow we gave our today'.

Emma (heartingTHG)

P.S.- I will also be putting this exact post onto my other blog (aspectofbeauty.blogspot.com). Just to let you know incase you thought it was a complete stranger.

Monday, 3 November 2014


Both this week and last week have been filled with exciting stuff in the fandoms and I'm just SO EXCITED! Anyway, firstly the official full Mockingjay Part 1 trailer came out, and secondly The Fault in Our Stars was released on DVD and Bluray. So today I'm going to be chatting about the Mockingjay trailer and next week I'm going to be talking about TFIOS DVD after it arrives in the post.

There was various different TV spots and trailers were released last week that had various different names, however I've seen a combination of them at once during the adverts on the TV. Anyway, all of them are BLOODY BRILLIANT and need to be watched momentarily. I will leave the links and names down below so you can watch them straight after you're finished reading this. 

I'm so excited for Mockingjay coming out and I cannot believe that it comes out this month! I'll need to get reading the book so I can refresh myself about what's in it. I'M SO FRICKING EXCITED!

Here's the links to the trailers. I'll also link previous trailers for Mockingjay.

There are also various Mockingjay teaser trailers etc found on The Hunger Games youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjvqqA-Eogozfm244OhUESw

Thanks for reading tributes,

Emma (heartingTHG)