A little quote

"Working hard is important. But there is something that matters even more: believing in yourself." - Harry Potter

Friday, 4 April 2014


As you probably know, twitter has exploded with the millions of #votekatniss tweets going around for the MTV movie awards (I think that's what it is). So, that means you need to vote. It's quite simple really; just go onto twitter and make a little tweet containing '#votekatniss'. 

At the moment Katniss is neck in neck with Tris, who I know is also loved by many of you as well as myself. I'm talking like 1,000 votes difference. Just now Katniss is leading and we need to keep that up and make Jen proud of her tributes!

So, the moral of this post is to go and vote for Katniss so she wins for our favourite character. 

Thanks for reading this post, you can find me on bloglovin and twitter. Emma:)

#VoteKatniss !!!